解码生命 守护健康


2017-06-08 08:09:05解码心灵




来自英国牛津大学、台湾长庚大学、华大基因和美国弗吉尼亚联邦大学的研究人员,在Cell子刊《Current Biology》发表题为“Genetic Control over mtDNA and Its Relationship to Major Depressive Disorder”的研究成果。该研究探讨了线粒体DNA的遗传控制机制,及其与重度抑郁症之间的关联。





       来自英国牛津大学、台湾长庚大学、华大基因和美国弗吉尼亚联邦大学的研究人员,在Cell子刊《Current Biology》发表题为“Genetic Control over mtDNA and Its Relationship to Major Depressive Disorder”的研究成果。该研究探讨了线粒体DNA的遗传控制机制,及其与重度抑郁症之间的关联。








       在这项研究中,研究人员使用重度抑郁症(MDD)CONVERGE(China, Oxford, and Virginia Commonwealth University Experimental Research on Genetic Epidemiology)联盟中10442名中国汉族女性的全基因组测序数据(低覆盖度)。使用这个数据集,研究人员对mtDNA水平进行了第一个全基因组关联研究GWAS),以探寻什么可能参与了调控mtDNA水平的分子通路。研究人员进一步想探寻,mtDNA序列的变异是否有助于mtDNA数量的变化,以及这种变化是否与MDD有关。






Genetic Control over mtDNA and Its Relationship to Major Depressive Disorder
Summary:Control over the number of mtDNA molecules per cell appears to be tightly regulated, but the mechanisms involved are largely unknown. Reversible alterations in the amount of mtDNA occur in response to stress suggesting that control over the amount of mtDNA is involved in stress-related diseases including major depressive disorder (MDD). Using low-coverage sequence data from 10,442 Chinese women to compute the normalized numbers of reads mapping to the mitochondrial genome as a proxy for the amount of mtDNA, we identified two loci that contribute to mtDNA levels: one within the TFAM gene on chromosome 10 (rs11006126, p value = 8.73 × 10−28, variance explained = 1.90%) and one over the CDK6 gene on chromosome 7 (rs445, p value = 6.03 × 10−16, variance explained = 0.50%). Both loci replicated in an independent cohort. CDK6 is thus a new molecule involved in the control of mtDNA. We identify increased rates of heteroplasmy in women with MDD, and show from an experimental paradigm using mice that the increase is likely due to stress. Furthermore, at least one heteroplasmic variant is significantly associated with changes in the amount of mtDNA (position 513, p value = 3.27 × 10−9, variance explained = 0.48%) suggesting site-specific heteroplasmy as a possible link between stress and increase in amount of mtDNA. These findings indicate the involvement of mitochondrial genome copy number and sequence in an organism’s response to stress.

